Job Opportunities, Program Roles

State MME (Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation) Associate, Assam

About Pratham
Pratham was founded in 1995, to provide pre-school education to children in Mumbai slums. Over the last 25 years Pratham has grown to be one of the largest non-profit organizations working to provide quality education to children and youth in over 20 states and union territories across the country, through a range of interventions.
Pratham is a widely recognized organization, having received notable awards such as the Lui Che Woo Prize, WISE Prize for Innovation, Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, the Henry R Kravis Prize in Leadership and the CNN-IBN Indian of the Year for Public Service. For more details, refer to

Pratham in Assam
Pratham began its work in Assam as a result of ASER in 2005. The Read India program was launched in 13 districts in 2007, thus marking the beginning of programmatic work in the State. In 2008, a R&D project was initiated that put together a language support program for children who did not have access to education in their mother tongue in Kokrajhar and Chirang Districts. The project continues to provide a model for educational experience that empowers the learner, especially in the context of language minorities or tribal languages.

Over the years, Pratham has worked in multiple districts through direct interventions and collaborations with the government as well as in direct capacity. Pratham’s flagship program- Hamara Gaon is running in 10 districts and 11 blocks across the State.

Job description

  • We are looking for a self-driven State MME Associate to strengthen and manage our measurement and monitoring processes in Assam. The base location of the selected candidate will be Guwahati, Assam.
  • The primary set of roles and responsibilities of a State MME Associate have been detailed below:
  • Assisting with creation of Right Data Collection, Data
  • Management, Dissemination, Monitoring & Feedback systems for the program.
  • Plan and training of Implementation team on formats and other data collection tools like Android apps and online & offline data entry systems.
  • Field visits to monitor the program implementation process and to support the field team in implementation.
  • Giving pro-active real time feedback to the implementation team on various program and data collection issues based on regular monitoring of processes of the program.
  • Ensure accurate and timely data collection.
  • Ensure accurate and timely data entry and verification.
  • Assisting with the analysis and reporting of the data collected.
  • Understand data and disseminate the same to the state and central teams.
  • Capability Building of State team members to make data driven decisions
  • Provide support on various internal pilots/ survey and evaluations across geographies

Qualification and skills required
While a State MME Associate will undergo multiple rounds of capacity building exercises at Pratham and MME, it is important for the candidates to have the skills mentioned below:

  • Should be interested in social sector, willing to take initiative and drive a program forward with data-based evidence.
  • Bachelor’s degree in any relevant discipline (but any outstanding candidate who does not have adequate qualifications can also be considered).
  • At least 1-2 years of work experience.
    Comfortable with MS-Office- Word, Excel and Power point; especially strong in MS- Excel and spreadsheet.
  • Good Communication skills- written and oral.
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to share qualitative feedback.
  • Planning and time management.
  • Willingness to travel to different locations.
  • Willingness to interact with different stakeholders in a program and give feedback to them accordingly.
  • Fluency in Hindi, English and Assamese.

Values we look for in a potential employee

  • Be a good listener
  • Strong believer in teamwork/ collective leadership
  • Open to feedback and challenges at any given point
  • Being a perpetual learner
  • Believes in the use of data to understand problems and find solutions
  • Being open, agile and flexible in thought and action

More about the benefits
Over the past we have seen that work in the MME team usually pushes the associates to enhance their excel, communication, presentation and evaluation skills which help them personally and professionally going ahead.

Selection process including written tests will be followed with interested candidates at state level.

Application Process 

If interested in this role, please send your CV (1 page) and Cover Letter (1 page) with the subject line, “Application for State MME Associate” to Please send the application by 10th May 2024.